Medicare Part A & B Enrollment: If you are over age 65, you will be eligible for Medicare Part A and B upon retirement, you may apply for Medicare Part A and B by visiting the Social Security Administration (SSA) website or office nearest to you. SSA will require that both you and your employer complete a form, therefore, please notify the Office of Human Resources in advance, so that we may provide you with the completed employer portion. Once you have received your Medicare Part B cards, please forward a copy to our office. If you elect to enroll in retiree health benefits, upon retirement, Medicare will become your primary and cover 80% of your health expenses.
Retiree City Health Benefits: Refer to the retiree health plan rate sheet for all available plans and their costs. The plan summary and contact information for each of the plans are found here. Please complete the Retiree Health Benefits Application and return it to the Office of Human Resources along with your Medicare cards within 30 days prior to the official retirement date.
Medicare Part B Premium Reimbursement: You may also receive reimbursement of your standard Medicare Part B premium payments, which are automatically deducted from your pension check. If you have to pay Income Related Monthly Adjustment Amount (IRMAA), which is determined by Medicare, you may receive reimbursement. Any premiums paid above the standard amount should be submitted using the Medicare Part B reimbursement application for TIAA members, or Notice of Medicare Part B application for TRS/NYCERS members.
For PSC CUNY members: Welfare Fund Benefits: PSC CUNY will provide supplemental benefits coverage, which includes prescription coverage that is comparable to Medicare Part D; therefore, you will not be required to enroll in Medicare Part D. Please complete the PSC CUNY Retiree form, SilverScript application (2024) and return it to the Office of Human Resources along with your Medicare Part A and B cards. Please submit a separate SilverScript application with the respective Medicare cards if you are enrolling your spouse.
As of May 24, 2023 – At today’s PSC-CUNY Welfare Fund Board of Trustees meeting, Trustees clarified that Retirees who are over 65 years of age and otherwise eligible for PSC-CUNY Welfare Fund Retiree supplemental benefits will remain eligible for all Fund supplemental benefits if they waive participation in the New York City Health Insurance Program.
For DC-37 members: Supplemental Benefits: DC-37 will provide supplemental benefits coverage, which includes prescription coverage that is comparable to Medicare Part D; therefore, you will not be required to enroll in Medicare Part D. Please email DC-37 at: and submit a copy of the Health Benefits Application with your first retirement check.
NYCERS Pension Check: As a member of the New York City Employees’ Retirement System (NYCERS), you will be required to obtain a retirement certificate from the pension system. Once the certificate is obtained, a copy must be submitted to the Office of Human Resources for processing. You may begin the process online at, via the MYNYCERS app, or contact (347) 643-3000. Your health benefits cannot be processed without this form.
TRS Pension Check: As a member of the Teachers’ Retirement System (TRS), you will be required to obtain a retirement certificate from the pension system. Once the certificate is obtained, a copy must be submitted to the Office of Human Resources for processing. Your retirement and health benefits cannot be processed without this document. Contact TRS at (888) 869-2877, schedule a one-on-one Zoom call, or email
TIAA Retirement payment: Additionally, as a member of the Optional Retirement Program (ORP) managed by TIAA, you are required to set-up a Lifetime Income Annuity with TIAA, which will generate a monthly income. Therefore, you must schedule a meeting with a TIAA representative to review your pension and set-up the required Lifetime Income Annuity Fund. The TIAA Representatives assigned to our campus are Nancy Vandergoot and Christian Hawkinson. You may also call TIAA directly at this number 1-866-277-7957 for more representatives.
Social Security retirement benefits: Please be advised, you can start receiving your Social Security retirement benefits as early as age 62, more information can be obtained from your local Social Security Administration.
Once you are retired, your benefits information will be handled and processed by the Office of Labor Relations (OLR) You may also choose to email the University Benefits Office.
If you move after you retire, please contact the following:
- NYC OLR Retiree Division. You may contact the NYC OLR at 212.513.0470, email, or you may write to: NYC Office of Labor Relations, Retiree Division, 3rd Floor, New York, NY 10006. Note you must include your pension number on all correspondence
- Your union and/or welfare fund
- Your pension plan